News - Page 3

Lisianthus: flower of the moment

Beautiful Lisianthus is the flower of the moment and there is no wonder why it is seen in many bouquets and floral displays. Lisianthus looks very similar to roses but much easier to grow. As a cut flower, they last for a really long time in a vase and are available in many different colours from white to yellow, pink and purple.

8 ideas to get your home ready for the holiday season

As the days get shorter, nothing boosts the spirits like getting ready for the holiday season! Whether you’re planning a party, decorating your house or getting your garden in shape for winter, here are a few ideas to inspire you.

Start planting new garden plants

It is time to start planting new garden plants as the summer comes to an end and we move into Autumn. You’ll notice the beautiful changing of the leaves, the drop in temperature and as the harvests may continue there will be plenty of clearing up to do in the garden and on the allotment. This time of year is great for reflecting on what you have grown, what you loved in the garden and what you might want to plant for next year. During Autumn, before it gets too cold, is the ideal time to plant out some perennials, shrubs and trees as it allows them time to settle in before the colder months and they will be ready to grow the following year. So, what do you consider when planting new plants at this time of year?

15 garden tips for October

It might feel a bit brisk outside this month, but October’s often the best time for beautiful crisp autumn weather. When it’s fine, seize the chance to get out and enjoy some stunning autumn colour in your garden. And while you’re out there, here are our top October garden jobs to keep things looking good through winter and get ready for next year.

Houseplant of the month October: Croton

There’s a new houseplant in town. Crotons are back in fashion, and they come in such a wide variety, there’s one for every home. Their colourful variegated leaves can be significant and rounded or narrow and twisted, and they’re not merely green, but purple, black, scarlet or orange too. Crotons used to have a reputation for being a bit fussy, but with the right care, they make spectacular house plants. 

Spoil your pets for World Animal Day

Why not spoil your pets for World Animal Day and consider helping to improve the welfare standards of animals all around the world by taking part. The day is a celebration of all welfare movements that unite to make the world a better place for animals. Everyone celebrates it differently but to create a world where animals are recognised as sentient beings, and their welfare is given the utmost respect. Why not spoil your pets even more than usual and think about how you can help promote and support animals worldwide. 

Perfect garden plants for patios

No matter what size garden you have, perfect garden plants for patios can be useful information to know. If you have a more extensive garden, you will likely have a deck where your pots will be full of plants. If you have a smaller space, such as a patio without any other garden or a balcony, you might want to make the most from your area and create an impact on containers. Many plants will grow on a patio, too many to list here but we’ve picked a few we think you will love and that will enjoy a patio pot. 

Top 6 Oriental garden accessories

Less is more, so choose your accessories carefully. Look for natural materials like stone, earthenware pottery and bamboo to keep your designs grounded in nature. To get your creative juices flowing, here are our top six Oriental garden accessories.

Move perennial garden plants

Gardeners will always want to move perennial garden plants at some point. Gardens are ever-evolving, and sometimes a shuffle around is needed, maybe due to the design or a new patio or perhaps a new house extension. Maybe it is to make room for even more plants or even because they need to be repositioned as they aren’t happy where they are. Whatever the reason, moving perennials usually works really well as long as it is done at the right time and with care. Here are our tips for moving your plants and keeping them in good condition during the process, so they thrive in their new home. 

Indoor plants with fantastic foliage

When you’re choosing an indoor plant, please take a good look at its leaves. Flowers are great, but they come and go, and indoor plants need to look good all year long. Do you want year-round fantastic indoor plants? Choose indoor plants with fantastic foliage that last all year. Fortunately, there are plenty of indoor plants with amazing leaves, and here are three of our favourites.

