Container displays to last

In many ways, gardening in containers is no different to any other kind: to keep that spectacular display going you need a few tricks up your sleeve. Follow our top tips to keep your containers fresh and inspiring all year round:

Plant for every season: pots of spring bulbs are over by May, so have fresh containers in the wings ready to take over. Dazzling summer bedding plants, on offer in our garden centre, take you into autumn, when brilliantly-coloured acers followed by winter pansies and red dogwood stems see the season out.

Plant successionally: veg in containers are best sown in threes. One container ready to pick, one growing up ready to take over, and the third just sown keep you picking without pause: this technique works for baby salad leaves, carrots, peas and beetroot.

Look after your plants: plants grown in pots need watering every day in summer – automatic dripper systems, available in our garden centre, do the job for you. Add slow-release fertiliser such as Osmocote granules to the compost or liquid feed weekly, and remove dead blooms to keep the flowers coming.

Please ask the staff in our garden centre in The Mythe for more information and advice about keeping your container displays lasting for longer.
