Herbs for containers
Herbs are really successful in containers, as most come from shallow, stony Mediterranean soils and relish drier conditions in pots. Group several together for a fragrant herb patch outside your door. Here's how to grow five of our favourite herbs in containers:
Rosemary: give this hefty shrub plenty of room and a soil-based compost such as John Innes no. 3 (available in our garden centre) to provide it with nutrients for longer.
Mint: mint is best in containers as it can be invasive outdoors. There are dozens of varieties in our garden centre: apple mint has fuzzy leaves while purple-stemmed chocolate peppermint looks sumptuous.
Coriander: sow fresh into generous troughs every month for a constant supply of fragrant flavour: as you use up one trough, the next is ready to pick.
Chives: generous potfuls of chives are perfect for snipping with scissors to add an oniony tang to salads. Their pretty pink pompom flowers are edible, too.
Basil: purple or green varieties look gorgeous in containers and they're happier there, too, as their tender leaves are out of reach of slugs. Keep well watered and pick regularly to keep it productive.
Please ask the staff in our The Mythe garden centre for more information and advice about growing herbs in containers.