Strimming and brush-cutting

As useful as lawnmowers are, there are some parts of your green sward they can't reach: those long unkempt bits around the edges, or the long grass by your fence.

This is when you need a strimmer, a light, easily manoeuvrable cutting machine ideal for trimming awkward areas. We have a wide range in our garden centre: choose from electric or petrol powered for real oomph.

Grass trimmers are the lightest weight you can buy, and ideal for smaller gardens where all you need to do is neaten up the edges.

Strimmers are great for larger areas. They come with nylon lines or heavy-duty blades – ideal for cutting back tough weeds like brambles.

Brushcutters are the monsters of the strimming world, making mincemeat of even pernicious weeds. They're great for clearing allotments and neglected sites and come with a range of blade attachments.

Combi systems let you swap heads for the power tool of your choice. Convert from brushcutting to hedgetrimming, strimming and even soil cultivation with a turn of a knob.

With any of these systems, wear protective gear: goggles or a visor, ear defenders and a harness for more powerful machines are a must. Please ask the staff in our garden centre in The Mythe for more information about choosing strimmers and brushcutters for your garden.

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