Watching a seed germinate and grow is a hugely exciting part of your gardening year: you hardly dare believe it's going to work, yet invariably that tiny kernel sends up a sturdy green sprout. The plants you raise from seed are always a bit special, so this year try raising something new from the hundreds of varieties from our garden centre.
Annuals: hardy annuals like love-in-a-mist, marigolds and nasturtiums are easiest of all and provide incredibly long seasons of colour from a few seeds scattered direct into the ground in spring.
Half-hardy annuals include all the bedding plants: in our garden centre you'll find seed to sow under cover in spring for colourful containers all summer long including pelargoniums, petunias, surfinias and nemesia.
Perennials: several perennials are very easy from seed, flowering in their first year and coming back again and again. Try echinacea, rudbeckia, grasses like deschampsia and hardy geraniums from our range.
Vegetable seeds: our largest selection of seeds is reserved for the grow-your-own enthusiast, with every veg from cucumbers to swede. Our heritage ranges boast superb flavour, or for something completely different try exotic veg like tamarilloes.
Please ask the staff in our garden centre in The Mythe for more information and advice about the seeds in our range.