Trees and shrubs

Every garden should have a tree: they're not only beautiful plants in their own right, they also cast soothing shade, provide valuable privacy and often give you flowers, fruit and spectacular autumn leaf colour too.

Choose trees and shrubs from the range in our garden centre to build the architectural backbone of your garden. In summer when other plants are showing off, trees and shrubs melt into the background, but they all have a moment when it's their turn to shine – often in the depths of winter when there's little else around.

Start your garden's design off on the right foot with specimen trees from the range in our garden centre. In small gardens, trees with year-round interest like the autumn-flowering cherry (Prunus x subhirtella 'Autumnalis') really earn their keep, and evergreen conifers are a sturdy, reliable presence throughout the seasons.

Shrubs provide a framework for your garden: evergreen shrubs in particular are a constant backdrop to other plants, giving weight and depth to your design. Extend the season with winter-flowering witch hazels or Christmas box, and add explosions of summer flowers with roses, hydrangeas or flowering quince.

Please ask the staff in our garden centre in The Mythe for more information and advice about choosing and growing trees and shrubs.
